Allows the user to upload a single photo for placement on a Sitebuilder page.
points to the location of the files on your local drive. The value defaults to the current directory.
Attributes | Type | Notes |
id | Integer | Unique id assigned by NGIN |
cutline | String | Max length 255. Caption for photo |
url | String | Max length 255. Required if has _url is valued |
protocol | String | Values are "http://", "https://", "mailto:". Required if has_url is valued. |
uploaded_data | File | Image file |
has_url | Integer | Values 1-5, corresponding to link "target" attribute. 1 = link opens in same window, 2 = link to full sized image in same window, 3 = link to full sized image in new window, 4 = relative url, 5 = link to new window |
show_original | Boolean | If set, the image will not be optimized or resized, which may lead to slower page load times. |
thumbnails | Hash | A hash of the thumbnail urls. Keys: small, medium, and large |