Photos can be uploaded to a Sitebuilder site and placed on a General page, a Team page (Team Instance) or a Game page. A Photo is a type of content that can live inside of a Page Element, so to place a Photo on a page in Sitebuilder, call the Page Element endpoint. Optionally, the photo can be displayed along with a caption and a link. To create a photo on a Team page or Game page, use the Gallery Photos endpoint instead.

Photo Galleries

Allows you to work with the galleries present on a General page, Game, (Team Instance), News Article, Event, or Tournament page. Of course, galleries have many Photos, however currently only General pages can have more than one gallery.

Gallery Photos

In addition to uploading a photo as a single image, you can upload images to galleries, which can live on any Game, (Team Instance), News Article, Event, or Tournament page. You can also mark a photo as approved using this endpoint, if the “Only post uploaded photos that have been approved” setting is turned on for the desired gallery. Finally, you can delete a Photo from a gallery using the API.